Best Kubernetes Tutorials For 2024 (Top Picks To Master) đź’Ş

Best Kubernetes Tutorials

Are you looking for the best website to learn Kubernetes at an affordable price?

Do you know that 61% of organizations use Kubernetes for container orchestrations?

In this blog, I will share the best Kubernetes tutorials along with their details and why you should choose them.

Suggested read:

What is Kubernetes?

Google introduced Kubernetes in 2014. The company saw the potential for Kubernetes and gifted it to the world as an open-source project under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). 

Kubernetes is now an important tool for container orchestration. In 2022, a whopping 61% of organizations hopped on the Kubernetes to manage their containerized applications.

It lets developers like me focus on crafting top-notch applications without drowning in deployment complexities. Meanwhile, ops teams ensure app reliability and performance with ease.

Here is the overview of Kubernetes courses.

Kubernetes CourseWorkload
Kubernetes Tutorial for Beginners (TechWorld with Nana)4 hours
DevOps with Kubernetes (University of Helsinki)95 hours
Kubernetes Core Concepts (KubeAcademy)8 hours
Kubernetes Course – Full Beginners Tutorial (Bogdan Stashchuk)3 hours
Learn Kubernetes by Doing (A Cloud Guru)22 hours
Getting Started with Kubernetes (Nigel Poulton)3 hours
Introduction to Kubernetes (Linux Foundation)42 hours
Kubernetes the Hard Way (A Cloud Guru)17 hours
Kubernetes for Developers: Core Concepts (Dan Wahlin)5 hours
Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests (KodeKloud Training)22 hours

Why Use Kubernetes?

I am mentioning some reasons why you will need to use Kubernetes. It’s given that it is a popular choice, and it seemingly gets the work done. 

1.Managing Containerized Applications

I need Kubernetes because it helps me manage my containerized applications more efficiently. Imagine I have a few Java applications that I want to run in containers on a server.

I can package them into Docker containers, but running them on a single server can be risky. If that server fails, my application goes down with it.

2. Solution for Server Failure

Kubernetes becomes my solution by allowing me to scale my applications as needed and ensuring they remain available even if one server fails.

It takes care of the heavy lifting, such as scaling applications, handling failures, and managing updates seamlessly.

3. Microservices Deployment

Let’s consider a more complex scenario where I have a larger application made up of various microservices like APIs, user interfaces, and transaction systems.

Each of these microservices needs to communicate with one other. Deploying them on a single server or container becomes impractical.

4. Handles Networking, Load Balancing, and Service

Kubernetes simplifies the complexities involved in networking, load balancing, and service discovery.

I don’t have to worry about how these services interact or whether they’re running on the same node or different ones.

Kubernetes handles all these aspects, allowing me to focus on developing and deploying my application without getting bogged down by the intricate details of the underlying infrastructure.

Best Kubernetes Course For 2024

Below, we will talk about the best Kubernetes tutorials. I will be listing the courses and will talk about them based on my personal experience.

Let’s see what I have for you!

Kubernetes Tutorial for Beginners

ChannelTechWorld with Nana
InstructorNana Janashia
Workload4 hours

I’ve discovered an excellent resource for learning Kubernetes, TechWorld with Nana’s Kubernetes Tutorial for Beginners.

This course has become my number one pick, and I’d like to share why it’s such a valuable resource for anyone wanting to delve into Kubernetes.

Why It’s My Top Pick?

The main reason I favor this course is its exceptional balance between theory and hands-on practice, all within a manageable 4-hour timeframe.

Nana does a fantastic job of simplifying complex Kubernetes concepts, making them easy to grasp. The use of clear visuals and practical examples enhances the learning experience.

Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect to learn from this tutorial:

  1. Understanding Kubernetes Components

The course kicks off by introducing crucial Kubernetes components like Nodes, Pods, and services.

Nana provides insights into how these elements fit into the overall architecture of the system, laying a solid foundation for further exploration.

Suggested reads:

2. Setting Up Kubernetes Locally

Following the theoretical understanding, Nana guided me through the practical aspects.

I learned how to set up and use Kubernetes on my local machine using tools like minikube and kubectl. The hands-on experience includes managing pods, deployments, and troubleshooting common issues.

3. Organizing Kubernetes Objects

As my knowledge progressed, the course addressed the need to organize multiple Kubernetes objects effectively.

Nana introduced the concepts of namespaces and YAML configuration files.

I grasped how namespaces manage groups of Kubernetes objects while YAML is employed to define and create these objects.

4. Exposing Services and Using Helm

The tutorial extends into more advanced topics like exposing services to the external world using ingresses.

Additionally, I got acquainted with Helm, a package manager that simplifies deploying applications on the web.

5. Deep Dive into Specific Kubernetes Components

Toward the end, Nana delves deeper into three specific components of Kubernetes:

  • Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims: Understanding how Kubernetes manages data storage.
  • Stateful Sets: Exploring the deployment of stateful applications like databases.
  • Types of Kubernetes Services: Learning to choose the right service type based on specific needs.

By the end of this course, I not only had a comprehensive understanding of Kubernetes components and architecture but also gained practical skills to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

DevOps With Kubernetes From the University of Helsinki

InstitutionUniversity of Helsinki
LevelAll Levels
Workload95 hours

My second choice for a top-notch Kubernetes course is “DevOps with Kubernetes” from the University of Helsinki.

This free and open-source course, designed by a web developer for fellow web developers, focuses on providing practical insights into Kubernetes, particularly with K3s and GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine).

Why I Chose This Course

I was drawn to this course because it caters specifically to web developers like me.

It guides me through developing software with a microservices architecture, utilizing Kubernetes for automatic scaling and deployment.

The fact that it offers a free certificate upon completion adds extra value to the learning experience.

Let me talk about some of the best course’s features:

  1. Target Audience and Prerequisites

To enroll in this course, it’s recommended to have familiarity with containers, the ability to independently develop web software, knowledge of SQL databases, and a basic understanding of networking.

These prerequisites ensure that participants can make the most of the course content.

2. Community Support

One standout feature is the dedicated Discord channel, where learners can connect with a community of developers. This support network proves invaluable when facing challenges during the learning process.

I am mentioning what I have learned in this course:

3. Local Kubernetes Cluster Setup

The course kicks off by guiding through the process of creating and running a Kubernetes cluster locally using k3d. I deployed a simple microservice to get hands-on experience right from the start.

4. Understanding Kubernetes Internals

Moving forward, the course delves into the internals of Kubernetes. Topics include debugging, networking, and storage, providing a comprehensive understanding of how Kubernetes operates.

5. Cluster Management

The next phase focuses on managing clusters effectively.

I learned about Pod communication, resource grouping and labeling, fine-tuning components with configuration files, and monitoring cluster performance using tools like Prometheus.

6. Cloud Deployment with GKE

Transitioning to the cloud, I explored Google’s Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

This section covers creating a deployment pipeline, enabling continuous delivery, choosing update strategies, and implementing GitOps for managing and deploying applications.

7. Best Practices in Web Development with Kubernetes

The course concludes with a deep dive into best practices for web development using Kubernetes.

This includes extending the Kubernetes API with custom resources, implementing service meshes for network traffic monitoring and control, and exploring platforms that enhance Kubernetes functionality, such as OpenShift and Knative.

8. Learning Format and Certification

The course spans 95 hours and has a combination of lecture articles and exercises.

To earn the certificate of completion, I’ll need to submit solutions for all exercises in parts 1–5. There is no final exam, making the learning journey more focused on practical application.

“DevOps with Kubernetes” from the University of Helsinki stands out as a comprehensive and hands-on learning experience.

It’s designed for web developers and covers everything from local cluster setup to cloud deployment and best practices in web development with Kubernetes.

I’m excited about the prospect of gaining in-depth knowledge and practical skills through this course.

Kubernetes Core Concept

LevelBeginner — Intermediate
Workload8 hours

For those eager to dive into Kubernetes, my third recommendation is the Kubernetes Core Concepts Learning Path from Kube Academy.

This free course stands out for its hands-on approach, offering virtual labs and exercises to reinforce learning. It’s a practical and immersive journey into the core concepts of Kubernetes.

  1. Why did I choose this?

I found this learning path particularly appealing due to its emphasis on practical exercises.

It includes virtual labs that ensure a deeper understanding of Kubernetes concepts, making it a suitable choice for those who prefer a more hands-on learning experience.

Let me tell you the key points that I got to learn in this:

2. Introduction to Containers with Docker

The course kicks off with a fundamental understanding of containers using Docker. I grasped the concept of providing a consistent environment for deploying and managing applications post-deployment.

3. Kubernetes Fundamentals

Moving into the world of Kubernetes, I learned about cloud-native infrastructure. This course focuses on deploying and managing applications within a Kubernetes environment.

It includes handling the development lifecycle and application configuration using Pods and Containers.

4. Cluster Concepts and Networking

I learned about cluster concepts, where multiple applications can run within a single Kubernetes cluster. The course covers networking and traffic management, ensuring the right user has access to the right application.

5. Handling Requirements

As applications become more diverse, with varying storage needs and environmental configurations, the course equips me with the skills to meet these requirements.

I learned how to handle persistent storage, different configurations, and other specific application needs.

6. Workload Options and Security

The learning path wraps up by addressing different types of workloads that can run in Kubernetes.

Additionally, it delves into security considerations for each workload type, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of securing applications within a Kubernetes environment.

7. Learning Format

This 8-hour learning path is thoughtfully structured, with each course building upon the last.

The inclusion of in-browser virtual labs after every lesson provides a hands-on opportunity to reinforce the covered material.

The Kubernetes Core Concepts Learning Path from KubeAcademy promises a comprehensive journey into Kubernetes, from container basics to advanced workload options and security considerations.

With its hands-on approach and practical exercises, I’m confident that this learning path will enhance my understanding and proficiency in working with Kubernetes.

Kubernetes the Hard Way

ProviderA Cloud Guru
InstructorWilliam Boyd
Workload17 hours

I also came across a unique approach to learning Kubernetes: the Kubernetes the Hard Way course.

Unlike traditional bootstrapping methods that rely on installers or scripts, this course takes a manual approach, providing a deeper understanding of how Kubernetes functions and how it can be deployed in a production environment.

The emphasis here is on troubleshooting, preparing me for even the most obscure challenges that may arise during deployment.

Why is it a good choice?

This course caught my attention because it veers away from conventional installers and scripts, encouraging a hands-on, manual deployment process.

This approach aligns with my goal of gaining a comprehensive understanding of Kubernetes, especially in a production setting.

What are the prerequisites for this course?

It’s worth noting that prior knowledge of Kubernetes is required to enroll in this paid course.

This prerequisite ensures that participants have a foundational understanding of Kubernetes concepts before delving into the intricacies of manual deployment.

Let me tell you what you will learn in this course:

Getting Started

The initial steps involve getting started with the manual deployment process, and laying the groundwork for what follows.

Provisioning CA and TLS Certificates

I learned how to provision the Certificate Authority (CA) and generate TLS certificates, a crucial step in securing communication within the Kubernetes environment.

Generating Configuration Files

This section focuses on generating Kubernetes configuration files for authentication and providing the necessary credentials to access and manage the Kubernetes cluster.

Bootstrapping etcd Cluster

Understanding the core of Kubernetes, I learned how to manually bootstrap the etcd cluster, a key component for storing configuration data.

Bootstrapping Control Plane and Worker Nodes

The course guided me through the manual bootstrapping of both the Kubernetes Control Plane and Worker Nodes, pivotal elements in the overall architecture.

Configuring kubectl for Remote Access

I gained practical experience in configuring kubectl for remote access, enabling seamless interaction with the Kubernetes cluster.


Delving into networking considerations, I learned how to set up and optimize the network infrastructure for Kubernetes.

Deploying DNS Cluster Add-on

I learned the intricacies of deploying the DNS Cluster Add-on, a crucial component for service discovery within the Kubernetes environment.

Smoke Test and Wrap-Up

The course concludes with a smoke test to validate the deployment, followed by a wrap-up that consolidates the key learnings.

Learning Format

This 17-hour course incorporates video tutorials, providing visual guidance throughout the learning journey.

However, the highlight is the hands-on practical learning experience through virtual labs, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of each topic.

Kubernetes the Hard Way stands out as a rigorous and immersive learning experience. With a focus on manual deployment, I anticipate gaining a profound understanding of Kubernetes.

It will help me to troubleshoot effectively in real-world production environments. I’m excited about the prospect of honing my skills through this comprehensive and challenging course.

Kubernetes Cluster Setup Guides

You will know how to create real-world, multi-computer groups for Kubernetes that are ready for actual use.

These guides helped me set up clusters for both working on my own computer and using cloud services. Below, I am mentioning the best guides for Kubernetes cluster setup.

  • Kubernetes Minikube Tutorial
  • Setup Kubernetes Cluster Using Kubeadm
  • Enable Feature Gates on Kubeadm
  • Upgrade Kubeadm cluster
  • kubeconfig file explained
  • Understanding Important Kubernetes Cluster Configurations
  • Setup Automated Kubeadm cluster on Vagrant
  • GKE Cluster setup on Google Cloud – Detailed Guide
  • EKS Cluster Setup using eksctl

Kubernetes Native Resource Tutorials

In these tutorials, I’ll walk you through the guides that talk about Kubernetes Native. It focuses on things like deployments, pods, StatefulSets, RBAC, jobs, ingress, and many other native resources.

  • Kubernetes Pod Explained
  • Understanding Init Containers
  • Kubernetes Deployment Tutorial For Beginners
  • Kubernetes Daemonset Explained
  • How to create a Kubernetes Role for the Service account
  • How To Create a Kubernetes Service Account for API Access
  • Kubernetes Ingress Tutorial For Beginners
  • How To Set Up Ingress On Kubernetes Using Nginx Controller
  • How to configure SSL/TLS for Kubernetes Ingress
  • How To Create Kubernetes Jobs/Cron Jobs
  • Kubernetes Pod PriorityClass & Preemption Explained

Kubernetes Architecture & High Availability

  • Kubernetes Architecture Explained
  • Kubernetes High Availability Explained
  • Kubernetes design considerations

Kubectl Tutorials

  • kubectl set context guide

Kubernetes Backup & Restore Tutorials

  • How to Backup ectd data and restore it

Kubernetes Productivity Guides

  • Easy Ways to Create Kubernetes YAML’s
  • Best Kubernetes Dashboard App – Kubernetes Lens [Video Tutorial]

Kubernetes Monitoring Tutorials

  • How To Setup Prometheus Monitoring On Kubernetes Cluster
  • Setup Prometheus Node Exporter on Kubernetes
  • Setup Kube State Metrics on Kubernetes
  • Setting Up Alert Manager On Kubernetes
  • Setting up Grafana on Kubernetes

Kubernetes Logging Guides

  • Kubernetes Logging Explained for Beginners
  • EFK setup on Kubernetes

Kubernetes Troubleshooting Tutorials

  • How to Troubleshoot Kubernetes Pods

Kubernetes Database Tutorials

  • Learn to deploy PostgreSQL Statefulset cluster
  • Deploy MongoDB on Kubernetes 

Kubernetes Package Management Tutorials

  • How To Install Helm for Kubernetes Deployment
  • How to Create Helm Chart from Scratch
  • Kustomize Tutorial
  • Kuztomize Configmap & Secret Generators

Kubernetes CI/CD Tutorials

  • Setup Jenkins On Kubernetes Cluster 
  • Setup Jenkins Build Agents on Kubernetes Pods
  • Building Docker Images In Kubernetes Pod using Kaniko
  • Setup Latest Nexus OSS On Kubernetes

Kubernetes Secret Management Tutorials

  • Setup Hashicorp Vault in Kubernetes
  • Injecting Secrets to Pods Using Vault Agent

Kubernetes Security Guides

  • CIS Benchmarking using kube-bench

Kubernetes Certification Guides (CKA/CKAD/CKS)

  • CKA Certification Study Guide
  • CKAD Certification Study Guide
  • CKS Certification Study Guide

Conclusion: Kubernetes Training For Beginners

Hopefully, this article on “Best Kubernetes Tutorials” has helped you with getting the tutorial or guides you need to develop your career in Kubernetes.

I constantly add new Kubernetes tutorials to this list. My goal is to cover all Kubernetes concepts with practical examples and project guides.

Whether you’re learning or preparing for Kubernetes certifications, these tutorials are here to help.

Good Luck with learning Kubernetes!

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